sun energy

Rooftop Solar Installations in Australia Edge Towards 2 Million

The figures from the Clean Energy Regulator (CER) show Australia now has a combined 6.29 GW of rooftop solar installed. Rooftop solar installations in Australia are setting new records in the country. The latest figures from Australia’s regulator show that the nation is edging closer to the 2 million mark on this area. The figures from the Clean […]

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Kerala’s St Francis Assisi Cathedral Goes Solar

The solar power plant was introduced with the assistance of KSEB, ANERT, and Bengaluru – based Orb Energy. In June 2015, Fr Judis Panackal, vicar of St Francis Assisi Cathedral got a ‘Laudato Si’ encyclical (an ecclesiastical letter) on the earth and environmental change from the Vatican, which worried on the need to grasp sustainable […]

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Solar Industry Body Says Import Obligation on Solar Panels will Hurt Makers

India has 3.1 GW of the introduced limit of solar cells out of which 2 GW is arranged in SEZs. All India Solar Industries Association (AISIA), the industry assemblage of local solar power producers, today said it is against inconvenience of any sweeping protection obligation on import of solar panels and cells referring to worries […]

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Adani Group in the List of World’s Top 15 Utility Solar Power Developers

Adani, positioned twelfth, is the main Indian organization on the rundown put out by Greentech Media, a Wood Mackenzie business. Adani Group has been named in the main 15 worldwide utility sun based power designers that incorporate preferences of First Solar, Total, SunEdison and Engie. Adani, positioned twelfth, is the main Indian organization on the […]

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Solar Power is Utilized to Illuminate Transport Covers During the Evening

The rollout is part of a three-year plan that will see a total of 50 bus stops across the island using solar-powered illumination. Fifteen bus stops along the main service route from Douglas to Ramsey have been fitted with Zeta Specialist Lighting’s solar shelter lighting kit. The rollout is part of a three-year plan that […]

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CIAL to Upgrade Solar Power Generation to 40 MV by March

The organization will finish the work on the proposed 9.9-MW solar PV venture by March, said CIAL representative. The Cochin International Airport Ltd (CIAL), which has led the pack in using sustainable power source in the flying part by turning into the principal completely solar fueled air terminal in the nation, is expecting to upgrade […]

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BSES in Association with USAID Launches ‘Solar City Initiative’

BSES said in an announcement that the ‘utility anchored rooftop program’ means to expand usage of sun based roof potential in the south and west Delhi. To advance the utilization of sustainable power source in the Capital, BSES Rajdhani Power Limited (BRPL), in association with United States Agency for International Development (USAID)- PACE-D and Indo-German […]

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A Bit of Panel of China’s New Solar Panel Tiled Street is Stolen by Somebody

Authorities found a tight piece missing, flawlessly cut. Around 6 inches wide and 6 feet long, the piece didn’t seem to have disengaged individually — proposing somebody stole it. As announced by the Qilu Evening News (and noted by TechNode), the trial kilometer-long extends of the street in Shandong is canvassed in more than 10,000 […]

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