
India Becomes Global Leader in Renewable Energy Auction: Report

India’s second rank signifies a jump of three spots from last year when it was on 5th position in the green energy. China which was at the top position last year has slid down to the 7th position. Becoming a global leader in the renewable energy race, India is now the biggest market in the […]

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Extensive Wind, Solar Farms Vow Rains in Sahara

Substantiating the statement, the scientists told that large-scale wind and solar farms in the Sahara could provide enough energy to replace the fossil fuel energy used currently and in the foreseeable future. As a speculative breather to the dry and scanty Sahara Desert, Scientists of University of Maryland asserts that large scale wind and solar […]

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Renewable Energy May Cause $6 Trillion Fossil-Fuel Divestment

J P Morgan mentions that contrary investment in the renewable energy would pose a high risk on shareholder returns for the oil giants. With an increased pressure from governments and consumers to use renewable energy, oil industry is eyeing investing in alternative sources of energy. Leading market analyst, J P Morgan suggests that the global […]

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US Energy Storage Market Jumps 42% QoQ: Report

The energy storage market in US has tremendously increased from 43.6 MW in Q1 2018 to 61.8 MW in Q2 2018 whereas the market grew 60 percent year-on-year. A leading clean energy data and information aggregator suggests US’s energy storage market to have jumped 42 percent from the previous quarter. The energy storage market in […]

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Australia May Fetch 50% Power from Renewable Energy by 2025

The report suggests that even though the policy support 100 percent reliance on the renewable energy has collapsed following a voting, the solar developments have retained their unexpected pace. A report by a leading energy research, education and public policy organization, ANU Energy Change Institute has stated that if Australia maintains the current track of […]

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India’s Solar Initiative seems already Sunny

India is a home for around 300 million people living with sporadic electricity and also a country which receives the most amount of sunlight in a year. Hence it is said that the solar energy available in the country surpasses the possible energy output of all fossil fuels energy reserves. Solar is the only viable […]

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