off grid

4.5 mn People in Africa to Benefit With Off-Grid Power by 2025

AfDB has approved an innovative financing program for DESCOs, which would see 4.5 million people in sub-Saharan Africa gain access to solar power by 2025. The Board of Directors of the African Development Bank (AfDB) Group has approved an innovative multinational financing program for Distributed Energy Service Companies (DESCOs), which would see 900,000 households in sub-Saharan […]

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AfDB Receives €40 Mn Investment From EU to Scale Renewables in Africa

AfDB has announced a €40 million investment from the EU for the FEI, a new platform for financing small-scale renewables in Africa. The African Development Bank (AfDB) has announced a €40 million investment from the European Commission (EU) for the Facility for Energy Inclusion (FEI), a new platform for financing small-scale renewables in Africa. The […]

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3.9 Mn Off-Grid Solar Lighting Products Sold in 2nd Half of 2018: Report

According to a new report, globally, 3.9 million off-grid solar lighting products were sold in the second half of 2018, an installed capacity of 32.39 MW. ‘The Global Off-Grid Solar Market Report’ a biannual report by GOGLA and the World Bank’s Lighting Global program was recently published for the second half (July-December) of 2018.  The […]

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MNRE Approves Connection of Old Off-Grid Solar Plants to the Grid

The Ministry of New and Renewable Energy (MNRE), acting on requests made by implementing agencies has allowed old off-grid solar power plants to be connected to the grid wherever possible. State nodal agencies and/or implementing agencies under the off-grid and decentralised solar PV applications programme had requested the ministry for allowing the connection of the […]

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Interview with Sanjeev Dakshini, Chairman, Raydean Industries

Albeit India has seen significant growth in solar industry but as a contributor we feel that lack of application oriented approach and low government support to indigenous technological advancements are major hindrances in matching the potential today, believes Sanjeev Dakshini, Chairman, Raydean Industries, the Jaipur-headquartered solar module mounting structures (MMS) manufacturer. In conversation with Manu […]

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World Bank Approves $200 Mn Regional Off-Grid Electrification Project 

The World Bank Group has approved the Regional Off-Grid Electrification Project (ROGEP) to help expand off-grid access to electricity for populations in 19 countries in West Africa and the Sahel region. The Board of the World Bank Group approved  the Regional Off-Grid Electrification Project (ROGEP), which includes $150 million in the form of credit and […]

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Containerised Solar PV Solutions to Provide Clean Energy to Off-Grid Populations

The containerised system can work as a grid-tied system where power is available and as an off-grid system where the grid is unavailable. Keeping in view the agenda of attaining universal electricity access by 2030, and to enable access to reliable and affordable energy, STEAG Energy Services has developed a containerised hybrid Solar PV solution […]

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Solar Water Solutions to Provide Off-Grid Desalination Solns in Indonasia, Sri Lanka

Solar water solutions, a Finnish company offering solar powered desalination plants, has partnered with World Vision International’s Asia P3 Hub, a collaborative joint venture to provide multi-sectoral solution to poverty. The two organisations will work together in tackling drinking water shortages in Indonesia and Sri Lanka. Harnessing the power of sun does not only provide […]

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Electricity to farmers through renewable energy sources

The Ministry of New & Renewable Energy (MNRE) is providing subsidy up to 30% of the benchmark cost of the solar water pumps to the farmers under Off-grid and Decentralized Solar PV Applications Programme. Till date over 1.85 lakh solar water pumps have been reported installed in the country under the Programme. The Ministry of […]

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