Solar Cells

UBM India announces 11th edition of Solar Energy Investment and Technology Forum

UBM India has announced its 11th edition of Solar Energy Investment and Technology Forum. The event scheduled on 22nd April 2016 at Hotel Marriot, Jaipur aims to provide an industry platform to associations and industry leaders, building owners, consultants, manufacturers, contractors, Governments and high-level decision makers, academia, green power providers, project and technology developers, large […]

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MIT explains the crux behind the World’s Lightest Solar Cells

As solar panels get mainstream, innovations into this technology are also on leap. Today, technologies are getting more flexible, thinner and lighter and researchers at MIT are known to have abided the rules and created the thinnest, lightest solar cells ever produced. The MIT professor Vladimir Bulovi, research scientist Annie Wang, and doctoral student Joel […]

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Panasonic Corporation achieves photovoltaic module conversion efficiency of 23.8%

Panasonic Corporation has announced that it has achieved world’s highest photovoltaic module conversion efficiency of 23.8% (aperture area3: 11,562 cm2) at research level. It is a major increase over the previous world record for crystalline silicon-based photovoltaic modules. Earlier record of the conversion efficiency of a crystalline silicon-based photovoltaic module was 22.8%. Back in 2014 […]

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The ‘Misjudge Material’ can be the next Solar Cell Technology

Researchers are step close to a solar energy innovation which claims to vie traditional energy sources in electricity generation. Currently, silicon solar cells available in the solar cell market making manufacturing costs a bit tight for the manufacturers. But, a team Led by the U.S. Department of Energy’s National Renewable Energy Laboratory and Washington State […]

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Solar Energy On-Demand Use can be a Marvel Possibility

Researchers at MIT have come up with a ground breaking new innovation – a unique process for absorbing and retaining solar energy for on-demand use.  “It is a material that is capable of absorbing photons (light) and storing their energy,” said MIT professor Dr. David Zhitomirsky. “Then, this energy can be released as heat on-demand, […]

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Multi-Directional Solar Cells Can Harvest Sunlight from Various Angles

Commercial solar panels work best when daylight hits them at a sure point. Recently, specialists had implied that solar panels confront south to gather the most energy from the sun. In another case, a significant 2013 report by Pecan Road prompted that systems leaning westward to boost proficiency. Further investigation has found that deciding the […]

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