Fossil Fuels

Green Hydrogen Not a Blanket Alternative to Fossil Fuels?

Green hydrogen is increasingly being built up as the ideal clean fuel for a carbon-neutral tomorrow, but is it a viable replacement for the use of fossil fuels in cars or domestic heating systems? In a recently published study conducted by Germany’s Potsdam Institute for Climate Impact Research (PIK), scientists have found that even though […]

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IFC to Support Azerbaijan’s Shift from Fossil Fuels to Renewable Energy

In a bid to develop the offshore wind energy sector as part of Azerbaijan’s efforts to shift to renewable energy sources, IFC, a member of the World Bank Group, and Azerbaijan’s Ministry of Energy today signed a Memorandum of Understanding. The aim is to support the country in reducing reliance on fossil fuels for electricity […]

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Africa To Get Its Fair Share Solar Power Soon- Report

  The 2020  Intersolar Africa Market Report 2020,  produced by Intersolar Europe in association with BSW solar (Germany) and Becquerel Institute, points to the huge potential across the African continent, and some new opportunities for solar in Africa.   Africa, the continent with a population equal to India and total area of over nine times India, […]

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Need for Decreasing Energy Consumption Driving Demand for Smart Solar Solutions

The focus on renewable energy resources has risen considerably over the years. With the condition of the environment worsening day by day due to the excessive utilization of fossil fuels for energy generation, governments of different countries are now paying attention to renewable energy resources. Moreover, the population across the globe has been increasing at […]

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Shell & Total Still Investing Much More in Fossil Fuels Than RE: IEEFA

While Shell and Total are shifting towards RE technologies, around 90 percent of their capital continues to be spent on fossil fuels, finds a new report While Shell and Total are shifting towards renewable energy (RE) technologies, around 90 percent of their capital continues to be spent on fossil fuels, finds a new report from […]

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Renewables Trump Fossil Fuels in Europe for H1 2020: Report

In H1 2020, renewable energy sources generated 40 percent of the EU-27 (European Union) electricity as they trumped fossil fuels for the very first time In the first half (H1) of 2020, renewable energy sources – wind, solar and bioenergy – generated 40 percent of the EU-27 (European Unions) electricity as they trumped fossil fuels (34 percent) for the […]

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$151 Bn for Fossil Fuels, Only $89 Bn for RE in COVID-19 Recovery Packages

A new report shows that total commitments for fossil fuels reached USD 151 billion from G20 governments, and only USD 89 billion for clean energy. A new report shows that during the global pandemic, total commitments in support of fossil fuels reached at least USD 151 billion from G20 governments. Of which, only 20 percent made financial support […]

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Renewables Increasingly Cheaper Than new Fossil Fuels Based Capacity: IRENA

Renewable power is increasingly cheaper than any new electricity capacity based on fossil fuels, a new report by IRENA finds. Renewables are increasingly cheaper than any new electricity capacity based on fossil fuels, a new report by the International Renewable Energy Agency (IRENA) finds. The report, ‘Renewable Power Generation Costs in 2019’, shows that more than half […]

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EU Commits to Clean Energy in COVID-19 Recovery Strategy

The EU has pledged to stay away from fossil-fueled projects in its COVID-19 recovery strategy, but environmental groups said they were unimpressed. The European Commission (for the EU) has pledged to stay away from fossil-fueled projects in its coronavirus (COVID-19) recovery strategy and to stick to its target of making Europe the first climate-neutral continent […]

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