Offshore Wind Energy

Havfram Wind to Install Turbines at Hornsea 3 Offshore Wind Project for Ørsted

Offshore wind construction firm Havfram Wind has said that it has appointed by global renewable giant Ørsted to install turbines at its Hornsea 3 offshore windfarm, starting autumn 2026. The wind energy project is world largest of such kind. Havfram Wind said that it will be utilizing one of its newly built NG20000X Jack-Up Wind […]

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IPP DNV Picked as Advisor for South Korea’s Offshore Grid Plan

Independent Power Provider DNV has been picked by Korea Electric Power Corporation (KEPCO) to help with the development of an offshore power grid plan. The offshore project will transfer renewable offshore wind power to South Korea. KEPCO is the largest electric utility in South Korea. The said project is slated for completion by the middle […]

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UK’s Biggest Solar Corporate PPA Signed Between Vodafone, Centrica & MYTILINEOS

Telecommunications firm Vodafone and Centrica, international energy services and solutions company, have entered into a second corporate Power Purchase Agreement (PPA). They have joined hands with MYTILINEOS S.A, a leading global industrial and energy company to facilitate the output from five solar farms that are in the works in England. These will cumulatively generate 216 […]

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ANERT Seeks Floating Offshore Wind For Kerala

Kerala is on the spree to find offshore wind energy possibilities in the state to step up the renewable energy expansion. In a key development the, state’s Agency for New and Renewable Energy Research and Technology (ANERT) has signed an agreement with the Norwegian renewable energy firm World Wide Wind for exploring options to find […]

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New Wind Energy Tower Factory To Come Up In Poland With EUR 200 Million Investment

Spanish green energy conglomerate GRI Renewable Industries (GRI) and ARP, Poland’s Industrial Development Agency, have announced that they have signed an agreement for the launch of a joint venture company for the construction of an offshore wind tower factory in Gdansk – a Polish port city on the Baltic coast.  GRI is an experienced offshore wind […]

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Saudi Arabia’s PIF Acquires 9.5% Stake in Offshore Wind Player Skyborn Renewables

The Public Investment Fund (PIF), the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia, has announced the acquisition of up to 9.5% in Germany based offshore wind developer and operator Skyborn Renewables, alongside Global Infrastructure Partners (GIP) which is a global, independent infrastructure investment fund. The Saudi Government has said that the investment will allow PIF to participate in […]

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Netherlands Looking to Tender its Largest Offshore Wind Power Projects Next Year

The Netherlands is expediting to expand the renewable energy development in a bid to end fossil fuel imports from Russia and decarbonize its economy. In a latest key development, the Netherlands’ Ministry of Economic Affairs and Climate Policy (EZK) has said that it is working on plans to amalgamate the first four offshore wind energy […]

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MNRE Extends Last Date for Draft Policy For 4-GW Offshore Wind Power in Tamil Nadu

The Central Government has extended the last date for suggestions from the public for the development of offshore wind energy in Tamil Nadu to December 9, 2022 now. The information has been provided by the Ministry of New and Renewable Energy. The MNRE Ministry had released draft tender document for offshore wind on 14th November […]

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Iberdrola, AXA IM Alts Partner for 1-GW Normandy Wind Auction

Spanish multinational electric utility company Iberdrola is trying to make the most out of the French renewable expansion. In a fresh bid, Iberdrola has signed a Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) with global investment specialist AXA IM Alts for possible collaboration for upcoming projects in the offshore wind energy sector in France. Iberdrola is a participant […]

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