yash singh

Quantumscape Moves A Step Forward With Its Solid State Battery

In an important development, QuantumScape just shipped its latest solid-state battery cell, dubber Alpha-2 to prospective customers. This is considered a massive stride for solid-state cell technology, demonstrating that the technology is close to ready for mass-deployment. QuantumScape has been widely credited with pushing the case for solid state batteries until now, although recently Chinese […]

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Africa Solar Progress: The Next Solar Frontier?

Africa is a gold mine, both literally and figuratively. Providing essential resources for the global transition to clean energy, Africa also holds immense potential for renewable energy development. By 2023, the continent had 62.11 GW of renewable energy capacity installed, a figure that could rise substantially with more funding. Africa as a continent – and […]

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SaurEnergy Explains- What’s the Stink Around Carbon Credits?

On today’s episode of why we can’t have good things easily, carbon credits get to be in the limelight. Originally proposed in 1997 with the Kyoto Protocol as a way for companies to fund the development of renewable and carbon-offsetting projects, carbon credits utilize third party firms who sell carbon credits and use the money […]

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SaurEnergy Explains- Why Is Data Centre Capacity Measured In MWs?

Data Centres have moved to the front of the conversation around rising energy demand, what with the spread of digital usage, and more recently, the hype around AI or Artificial Intelligence. Readers have asked us to explain why these data centres bring built to serve the ever growing demand for computing power and information storage […]

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Renewable Careers- Courses That Promise A Career Push

“Should you get a degree in renewable energy?” is the question of the week. With global warming reaching critical levels, governments across the world are scrambling to set up renewable energy sources, whether it be wind, hydro or solar farms. New jobs will be created, most of them being paying well. This is where an […]

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5 Ways Lower Storage Costs Will Affect Solar Deployment

Ever since 2015, when solar started being added at scale every year, all stakeholders have known the biggest challenge it will ultimately face. Intermittency. Or more simply, what to do when the sun goes down. That is why cheap and efficient storage has been considered almost like the golden key that will unlock solar possibilities […]

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Top 5 Technologies Set To Make An Impact In Solar Deployment

Solar has gone through a lot of changes in the past decade, going from barely viable to a technology that looks to be the future of energy generation. With that in mind, let’s have a look at the top 5 technologies that will play key roles in improving solar going into the future. Silicon heterojunction […]

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Top 5 Countries With The Fastest Increase In Solar Capacity In 2023

As 2023 comes to an end and 2024 is upon is, it could be considered an interesting exercise in retrospect to look upon the countries that shone in terms of adding solar capacity in the past year, leading the rest of us into the future. Here are the top 5 countries with the fastest increase […]

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Airloom Promises To Slash Wind Power Costs, Attracts Investment From Bill Gates

Bill Gates has backed Airloom Energy, a Wyoming-based wind energy startup, which claims to have created a technology which claims to slash wind turbine costs by nearly 70%. Founded by Robert Lumley, Airloom is led by Neal Rickner, who has also spent time (nearly a decade) at Google and Google[x] leading teams, most notably serving […]

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