The top 5

Even Better Together- Five Ways Solar Is Better With Other Green Energy Options

Solar power is the fastest-growing energy source globally. The Global Market Outlook for Solar Power 2024-2028 report reveals that in 2023, global solar installations surged by 87 per cent compared to the previous year. In 2023, 447 GW of new solar capacity was added, up from 239 GW in 2022, bringing the world’s total solar […]

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The Top 5: Electric Motorcycles to Buy in India Under Rs 1.5 Lakh

India is poised to become the largest EV market by 2030, with a total investment opportunity of over USD 200 billion over the next 8-10 years. The country is the world’s largest manufacturer of electric 2-wheelers (e2w) and electric 3-wheelers (e3w). Being the largest manufacturer, especially in the e2w category, fits the Indian scenario well […]

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The Top 5 Challenges For Green Hydrogen To Overcome

Hydrogen as a source of energy isn’t a new concept and is dubbed as a potential alternate energy source for over a century now. However, most hydrogen produced today is generated using fossil fuel energy, a source to about a billion tons of CO2 emissions equivalent per year. The concept of green hydrogen, promising considerable […]

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Top 5 Reasons Why the US is Poised To Make An Impact in Energy Storage

In the race towards a sustainable future, battery technology is emerging as a critical component. Batteries are vital for the renewable energy revolution, essential for the functioning of electric vehicles (EVs), and pivotal for energy storage systems that stabilize power grids. For years, China has held a dominant position in the global battery market, but […]

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The Top 5: Improbable Energy Storage Possibilities Turned into Reality

The storage for renewable energy in particular has become one of the main talking points in the energy industry across the globe for the sake of transition to a green future. Intermittent energy sources like wind and solar power often lack the ability, or fall short in their capacity, to accommodate postponed usage. Thus, there […]

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The Top 5: States For Renewable Energy in India

India’s power generation mix is rapidly shifting towards a more significant share of renewable energy. Today, India is the world’s third largest producer of renewable energy, with over 41 per cent of its installed electricity capacity coming from Renewable Energy Sources. Based on the recent Installed Capacity Report by Central Electricity Authority, this article sheds […]

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The Top 5: Indian Steel Makers And Their Green Plans

India stands tall among the world’s leading steel-producing nations. Thanks to rapid infrastructure development, steel demand has soared, making the Indian steel industry a crucial player in the global market. However, as the world grapples with environmental challenges and the need for sustainable practices, India’s steel producers are stepping up with their green plans to […]

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The Top 5: Electric Motorcycles in India in 2023

Electric vehicles started competing with conventional fossil fuel-run vehicles in the last few years. The year 2022 was a significant year for EVs, as it saw the addition of over 10 million new BEVs and PHEVs to the global EV fleet, a 55 percent increase from 2021. Just like many other major economies, India too […]

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