
Solar Capital Cost 11 Times Higher In Developing Countries: IEA Report

A recent report by the International Energy Agency (IEA) finds that the cost of capital, required to make investment in solar energy in developing economies to be high. The report attributed this to the challenges such as, cost of capital in developing economies, less developed capital markets, fewer projects, and a lack of transparency around […]

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European New Trade Defense Measure To Impact Solar Jobs: Report

Solar Power Europe recently released a joint statement and warned that 433 European solar companies and associations may undertake trade measures. They add that, these measures could negatively affect solar jobs in EU, and cause detriment to EU’s green energy transition, which is currently at a critical moment in time. The report mentions that the […]

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Rise In Renewables In Europe Can Curb Up to 67% Emissions: Report

A recent event by Wood Mackenzie shared an analysis on the current growth in Europe’s flexible renewable energy. The report finds that, European power market will see its carbon intensity plummet. It accredits this rise with the change in ambitious climate-energy policies. Moreover, it finds that, flexibility to be key to enable this change, according to […]

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China Belt & Road Initiative Brings 128GW Power Capacity: Wood Mackenzie

A latest report from Wood Mackenzie said that Chinese companies completed over 300 overseas power projects. This was despite challenges causing over 20% of projects to be cancelled or shelved.  The report said that these Chinese firms have made an estimated investment value of around US$200 billion, over these 300 projects. The East Asian country […]

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A 100 kW Solar Installation In Bihar Can Save Rs 2.7cr: CEEW Report

The report by the Council on Energy, Environment and water (CEEW) titled, ‘Community Solar for Advancing Power Sector Reforms and the Net-Zero Goals’, highlights the usage of rooftop solar in eastern Indian states of Bihar and Meghalaya and its corresponding benefits in terms of savings.   The study uses a framework to evaluate the impact of […]

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Changes In BIPV Components Can Hike PV Efficiency By 4.5%: Study

A recent research report on Building-Integrated Photovoltaics (BIPV) and its impact in cooling roofs shed light on several interesting facts. The research was undertaken by the researchers from the University of South Wales (Australia) and Calcutta University. The study demonstrated the growing significance of rooftop-integrated photovoltaic systems (PVs) in the solar energy landscape. The study […]

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India’s Solar Module Manufacturing Capacity To Touch 60GW: Report

A latest report from rating agency ICRA claimed that Indian solar module manufacturing could rise up to 60 Gigawatt (GW) by 2025. This is in contrast to the country’s current capacity of around 37 GW. The boost in the local solar module, as per the report, is likely due to the increased backward integration of […]

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Solar Helped Remote Hospitals Function Optimally: WRI Report

A latest report from the WRI-India, a climate and energy think tank, claimed that clean power from solar energy fueled through Distributed Renewable Energy (DRE) systems boosted the capacity of remote healthcare centres nationwide. The report was titled ‘A Spoonful of Solar to Help the Medicine go Down’.   WRI-India recently released the report in New Delhi recently. The […]

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Flexible Energy Solution Key Towards Decarbonization: EEA

The European Environment Agency (EEA) recently published a report titled ‘Flexibility Solutions for Decarbonization: Securing the EU Electricity System.’ This report highlights a significant surge in renewable energy capacity, specifically in solar and wind energy, which is expected to increase from 24% to 60% of the total renewable energy capacity. The report indicates that this development will […]

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