Spanish Rules For Floating Solar Plants Set A New Benchmark

Last week, the Spanish cabinet passed a regulation regarding the installation of floating solar PV (FPV) on reservoirs in the country. In a royal decree to notify the regulations, Spanish Ministry for the Ecological Transition and the Demographic Challenge (MITECO) moved ahead with regulations considered a mix of common sense  and scientifically conservative to allow […]

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Spain Announces 4th Round Of RE Auction For 1.8GW Of Solar Capacity

Spain has scheduled its fourth renewable energy auction round for November 22. The sale will feature 1.8GW of solar capacity to hasten the country’s power system’s decarbonization. Nearly 3GW of solar capacity was won in the first two previous auctions for solar and wind energy, held in 2021. The Ministry of Ecological Transition (MITECO) has […]

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