International Energy Agency

IEA Task Force Develops BIPV Toolkit To Make Evaluation Simpler

One of the more obvious, but less appreciated fact about the world in 2050 is that possibly 60% of the building stock of 2050 is yet to be built. For Solar, that figure might be closer to 80% or more for 2035. That makes a case for evaluating new technologies and their impact with a […]

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India Needs To Increase Renewable Deployments: IEA Report

A latest report by the International Energy Agency (IEA) said that countries like India, European Union and the United States needed to accelerate the pace of deployment of renewable energy. The global energy think tank said that the acceleration is needed for India to achieve it target of ensuring 500 GW of capacities from non-fossil […]

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AI’s Growing Energy Footprint: The Hidden Cost of Our Digital Future

It’s time to talk about Artificial Intelligence (AI), and its possible impact on the environment. Convenient as it may be, AI is an energy hog. A single ChatGPT query requires 2.9 watt-hours of electricity, compared with 0.3 watt-hours for a Google search, according to the International Energy Agency. At present, data centers worldwide consume 1-2% […]

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Clean Energy Investments Driving Global Job Creation, Finds Study

Investment in the manufacturing of clean energy technologies, especially solar PV and batteries is expediting the process of creating new jobs and employment opportunities, according to a new report published by International Energy Agency. The agency said that investments related to clean energy technologies have become a powerful economic driver globally. The global investment in […]

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Clean Energy Investments Reach 200 Billion In 2023, Says IEA Report

The International Energy Agency (IEA) in its recent report found that renewable energy investments reached approximately USD 200 billion in 2023. The renewable energy investment reportedly witnessed a 70% increase compared to 2022. Among the renewable energy investments, sectors such as clean technology, solar PV, and battery manufacturing received more than double the investment, reaching around […]

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Use Of Critical Mineral In Electric Vehicles Can Enhance Battery Life: IEA

The International Energy Agency (IEA) released a report analyzing the use of critical minerals in electric vehicles and found the use of critical minerals important in improving transparency in the supply chain.It mentions that to make the supply chain of critical minerals transparent, it requires that the companies that manufacture them purchase clean energy technologies. […]

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India’s Utility Scale Renewable Growth To Face Hurdles In 2023 to 2024: IEA Report

A latest report by the International Energy Agency (IEA) claimed that India is likely to see an increased installation of renewable energy in 2023 and 2024. It attributed this to some of the positive developments in the sector. The global report titled ‘Renewable Energy Market Update’ gives a projection of the growth of renewable energy across the […]

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IEA Report: Expect $1.7 Trillion Investments In Clean Energy In 2023

The International Energy Agency has said that the global investment in clean energy is on course to rise to $1.7 trillion in 2023. In this journey, solar energy is set to eclipse oil production for the first time. According to the new report by IEA, about $2.8 trillion is set to be invested globally in […]

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Europe’s Solar Energy Surge: A Promising Solution Or Just A Palliative?

Europe is in the middle of its biggest ever solar build out currently, as it seeks to build more solar capacity for every reason from more energy security to clean energy. But can solar deliver for Europe? Is it the panacea to energy security in the long term? Or is it doomed to over promise […]

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