Aluminium-ion battery

University of Freiburg Leads Breakthrough in Aluminum-Ion Battery Research

A team led by the University of Freiburg has made remarkable strides in aluminium ion battery chemistry, bringing us closer to a viable alternative to traditional batteries that rely on rare and challenging-to-recycle resources like lithium. Aluminium, being abundantly available in the Earth’s crust, offers a more sustainable and cost-effective solution, along with improved safety […]

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India Explores Aluminium-Ion Battery As Demand For Lithium Spikes

Being the third-largest oil importer in the world, in its drive to minimize dependency on oil and fuel imports, India is advancing in a battery technology that uses aluminum rather than lithium as the key ingredient.   As far as Aluminum Battery is concerned, recently the Indian Oil Corporation (Indian Oil) has announced that it has established a […]

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