Colombian Startup Reimagines Use of Seawater to Create Electricity

Colombian Startup Reimagines Use of Seawater to Create Electricity

With growing global interest in renewable energy to produce electricity, more and more firms around the world are coming up with innovative solutions. Startups, often known for taking risks and bringing disruptive technologies into the market, are part of this new revolution. One such startup in renewable energy based in Colombia, E-Dina has invented WaterLight- a wireless lantern – that harnesses seawater for the creation of electrical current. Let’s dive in and see how this is achieved.

From Seawater to Electricity

The new innovation harnesses the chemical reaction between the salt water resources and magnesium for the creation of an electrical current in order to generate light or charge mobile devices. It is noteworthy that only a half-liter of saltwater can provide light for up to 45 days.

the wireless portable lantern called WaterLight, developed by E-Dina must be filled with 500 milliliters of seawater for electricity generation. The process of electricity generation is made possible through ionisation of an electrolyte made of saltwater. In turn, this saltwater reacts with magnesium and copper plates located on the inside of the lamp and voila! electricity is generated.

Already Creating Waves

Recently, E-Dina initiated a crowdfunding campaign with the aim of selling over 100,000 units once it goes into production. WaterLight has already received a thousand preorders, Not just that, the new technology has also three patents to its name.

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